Cancer Control Advocacy Along with AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), Americans list cancer as the most important health problem facing the nation today. According to a recent Gallup poll, we want cancer to be placed higher on the national health care agenda. Legislative action and public policy can complement research and education to reduce cancer incidence and mortality .
What is needed is for people not just to answer polling questions, but to speak out and demand action from Congress and from state and municipal bodies. Much has already been achieved by such public advocacy. To improve quality standards for mammography, U.S. mammography facilities are now required to be accredited and inspected. Smoke-free public buildings and worksites are commonplace. The government budget for breast cancer research has increased. And Medicare reimburses for screening mammography.
Additional public advocacy is warranted in areas such as prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to youth, increasing access to cancer screening, cancer survivors' rights, clean indoor air policies, funding for cancer research and insurance coverage of screening procedures.